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F.I.S.H. Membership


  1. Click on "REGISTRATION FORMS" on upper left corner of website.
  2. Dropdown list will include all forms.  Print and complete Membership Application, print and complete Child and Adult Activity Participant Forms (fill one out for each family member) and Condfidential Screening Forms* (background check for both parents - in single parent situation, fill out for custodial parent joining FISH).
  3. Read and agree to Child Training Covenant and Statement of Faith.
  4. Once completed, turn in ALL paperwork and payment** to the FISH BOARD in an envelope labeled "FISH."  
  5. For faster processing, email [email protected]  to let is know you have submitted paperwork.  Please allow two weeks for membership to be finalized.
  6. Request web access by following this link this link.


  • Active Membership is required for participation in all F.I.S.H. activities unless otherwise noted
  • Membership Term runs from June to May and expires in May regardless of when you join; membership level website access also expires each May
  • Membership Renewal  - renewal is not automatic, you must renew annually by completing the application process and submitting payment
  • Membership Fee is due in full with application, there is no proration regardless of when you join
  • Membership Verification - website database will be used to verify membership status


* A new background check system has been implemented for 2018.  All new and returning members must complete new form, but will not have to do it again in the future.
** Financial hardship scholarships for facility fee are available upon request.  Please note on application and simply pay FISH membership fee.