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Step Up For Students

Step Up For Students is a state-approved nonprofit scholarship funding organization that helps administer four scholarships for Florida schoolchildren: the Florida Tax Credit Scholarship Program (FTC) for lower to middle income families, the Family Empowerment Scholarship (FES) for lower to middle income families and students with unique abilities, the Hope Scholarship for public school students who experienced bulling or violence and the Reading Scholarship Accounts for public school students in kindergarten through fifth grade who struggle with reading.

Many FISH families have received scholarships from Step Up For Students and are able to you use the funds to help offset the cost of homeschool curricula, tutoring, and other educational activities. For more information please visit the Step Up for Students website.


Several FISH members are approved Choice Navigators for Step Up For Students that can provide information and guide you through available options, as well as help with applying and using scholarship funds.


Annie Martinez
[email protected]


Keisha Wheeler, M.A. 
[email protected]